Efferent vs. Aesthetic

Louise Rosenblatt [110] explains  that readers approach the work in ways that can be viewed as aesthetic or efferent. The question is why the reader is reading and what the reader aims to get out of the reading. Is the site established primarily to help readers gain information with as little reading possible, or is the site established in order to create an aesthetic experience? 

We have found that these two categories are also useful when assessing the aims of a hypertext site.  Various layouts, structures, and anchor properties of sites seem to privilege efferent or aesthetic readings. While we are using these as categories, it is important to remember that these are not absolute. They are better viewed as poles on a continuum. For example, while War Games--Catch the LandMine!! [40] is an aesthetic work, it is more toward the center/efferent side because it contains many statistics and facts about landmines.